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Ground Reporting in Panama

We were so lucky to visit this amazing country before the outbreak of coronavirus


I took street photos, landscape photos and photos for some classmates' stories. It is my first time being a photographer on a team and I'm so grateful to have such wonderful classmates and professors. 

There were fewer English speakers than we expected and sometimes it was hard to interview people without our translator. But we felt Panamanians were very nice and helpful. We visited the famous Panama Canal, explored a jungle. I was impressed by the beautiful colonial architectures in Panama City and the beaches on San Blas Islands. I hope everything can get back to normal soon. I will definitely visit this country again in the future.

Lion Dance Parade in Chinatown

Boston, MA
Feb. 2, 2020

Although people in China are upset by the coronavirus and try not to go outside, Chinatown in Boston is celebrating the lunar year with Lion Dance parade.

Protest: No War with Iran

Massachusetts State House

Jan. 25, 2020

Hundreds of protestors demanded no war with Iran and U.S. troops out of the Middle East. 

Campus Events & Campus Life

Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA

July 2019- October 2019

I had a co-op as a reporter and photographer at the Wentworth Institute of Technology for six months. I took pictures for social media and all the photos below have been posted on Instagram @wentworthinstitute

My Grandma' Village

Shanxi Province, China
February 2018-June 2019

Both my paternal grandparents and my maternal grandparents live in rural areas in Shanxi, a province in Northern China. But I was born and brought up in Beijing, one of the biggest cities in China.


Every time I go to visit my grandparents, I can feel the big urban-rural difference. It seems city people have benefited a lot from the rapid urbanization but country people haven’t. The utilities and public services in many rural areas are still bad. A lot of young parents leave their children in the country and seek jobs in the city, because there are few job opportunities in the country and they can’t afford the cost of living and tuition for their children in the city.

A Small Colliery in Northern China

Shanxi Province, China
February 2018-June 2019

Shanxi Province has a rich mineral resource and it made many colliery owners rich. The stereotype of rich colliery owers is the first thing that a lot of Chinese would come up with when it comes to Shanxi Province. But most coal miners are not rich and the mining activities terribly polluted the environment in the past decades. 

Landmarks in the Greater Boston

Greater Boston, MA
August 2018 - October 2019

Perhaps many local people are so familiar with these landmarks, but I find them very beautiful. I like Boston and I want to capture all its beautiful moments. 

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